Manchester, UK

Naila Eid
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Ramadaan Around the Globe 2021 (1442): Ramadaan and Eid Traditions

Written by Naila

What is the one tradition you look forward to the most during Ramadaan?
It has to be the family/community bond through everyone coming together for prayers, suhoor and sharing iftar subhanallah.  I look forward to this buzz of Ramadan all year around.
Is this a tradition that you had grown up doing as a kid or is this a new tradition?
Yes, it certainly has been a tradition for as long as I can remember life, now I’m trying to instill it into our modern/younger generation and alhamdulilah it works well.
What do you typically eat for sehri (suhoor) and iftaar during Ramadaan?
Even though we can’t consume much at suhoor, we always make an effort of waking up for the rewards.  Some days we might just have water and dates, or a banana other days toast, tea and cereal depending on appetite.
Naila Ramdaan
What are some of the Eid traditions that you do in your home?
We decorate the house with banners, balloons and lights etc.  We welcome my husband back home from I’tikaf with a home baked cake that children help make (prior to Covid).  On Eid Day we all freshen up, wear our best clothes and set off for Eid salah at our local masjid Alhamdulilah (light breakfast and gifts for children are provided by our amazing masjid mashallah). Upon return from masjid, we have our breakfast then set off to see our families who all live out of town so it’s even more exciting as we don’t get to see each other too often Subhanallah. The whole day goes by in a buzzing fashion, indulging in food (roast,  Pilau, lamb/veg Saalan,  roti,  sweet rice Zarda and mithai etc.),  receiving gifts and money,  kids enjoying the bouncy castle and chocolate fountain etc.  Ladies sit in one corner applying henna, as well as participating in family games such as pass the parcel and nasheed chairs etc (instead of musical chairs lol).
Is this a tradition you have grown up with or is it something new?
Yes, we must give Eid Salam to all the elders first thing after Eid salah and Eid is celebrated at mum’s every time. Food comes from caterers on Eid as mum does not want us dirtying our Eid clothes bless her (too cute mashallah), but we ensure mum doesn’t do any work on Eid either serving etc., all us children see to guests etc.  I miss that buzz of Eid as last year we had to stay home both Eid’s due to lockdown (made it as much fun as possible for children though, bbq, bouncy Castle and gifts etc.), hoping for a normal Eid this year Inshaallah.
Naila Eid
Is there anything else you would like to add that may be relevant to this topic?
I would just like to add that I feel there’s no better time than Ramadan and Eid for gaining Taqwa and closeness to Allah Swt as we are spiritually at our highest point Subhanallah.  This makes us more mindful of our duties as Muslims toward our families, neighbors as well as making us compassionate towards the poor and needy, as we become more charitable.  This month is just so filled with blessings Subhanallah, there’s no doubt why it is so dear to Allah Swt too! May Allah accept all our Ibaadah and duas and grant us the pleasure of witnessing many more Ramadan’s and Eid’s,  reaping the rewards Ameen ya Rabb!
Jazakallah for your contribution to this Ramadaan series of 2021 (1442). Ameen. May Allah accept all our Ibaadah and allow us to see many more Ramadaans Inshallah.
Naila has an Instagram page called @nailaexplores where she shares breathtaking nature photography as well as her other explorations. Check out Naila’s Instagram account at the link below:
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