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How strong is your South African passport?
Currently, the South African passport ranks 54th according to the Guide Passport Ranking Index. It gives you visa free access to 103 countries.
Which of these countries have you visited?
Countries that SA passport holders can travel to visa free in 2022
Country | Allowed stay |
Angola | 30 days |
Antigua and Barbuda | 1 month |
Argentina | 90 days |
Bahamas | 3 months |
Barbados | 6 months |
Belize | up to 180 days |
Benin | 90 Days |
Botswana | 90 days |
Brazil | 90 days |
Chile | 90 days |
Costa Rica | 90 days |
Dominica | 6 months |
Dominican Republic | 90 days |
Ecuador | 90 days |
El Salvador | 90 days |
Eswatini | 30 days |
Fiji | 4 months |
Gabon | 30 days |
Georgia | 1 year |
Grenada | 3 months |
Guatemala | 90 days |
Guyana | 3 months |
Haiti | 3 months |
Honduras | 90 days |
Hong Kong | 90 days |
Indonesia | 30 days |
Ireland | 90 days |
Israel | 90 days |
Jamaica | 180 Days |
Kenya | 30 Days |
Kosovo | 90 days |
South Korea | 30 days |
Lesotho | 90 days |
Macau | 30 days |
Malawi | 90 days |
Malaysia | 90 days |
Mauritius | 90 days |
Micronesia | 30 days |
Mozambique | 3 months |
Namibia | 3 months |
Nicaragua | 90 days |
Palestine | 30 days |
Panama | 180 days |
Paraguay | 90 days |
Peru | 180 days |
Philippines | 30 days |
Qatar | 30 days |
Russia | 90 days |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | 3 months |
Saint Lucia | 6 weeks |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 1 month |
Singapore | 30 days |
Tanzania | 90 days |
Thailand | 30 days |
Togo | up to 90 days |
Trinidad and Tobago | 90 days |
Tunisia | 3 months |
Uruguay | 90 days |
Vanuatu | 30 days |
Venezuela | 90 days |
Zambia | 90 days |
Zimbabwe | 3 months |
Note that “visa-free” does not mean you may enter any country without having the proper documentation on hand. Your passport needs to be valid for usually up to 6 months after your departure date (this would depend on the country), and you must ensure that you have adequate travel insurance for your own peace of mind.
Obtaining a visa generally does not come without its complications which include a hefty price tag as well as many trips to the visa offices to get things sorted out. To top it off, some visas also require lots of paper work. If you are a family with kids then this can be a painful process as this would mean multiple applications. Why not avoid all of this and travel to a visa free country. How does that sound?
If you work remotely, would you ever consider doing a long term stay in any of these countries? Or is this something you have done before? Please leave a comment below about remote working in another country.
Disclaimer: All information has been verified at time of publishing and may subsequently change. Please check with the respective countries for visa requirements prior to travel. Halaal Travels cannot be held liable, as information supplied by Halaal Travels is for information purposes only. It is advisable that you do your own research prior to making any travel plans.
For which countries can South African passport holders get an eVisa in 2022
Country | Allowed stay |
Armenia | 120 days |
Azerbaijan | 30 days |
Bahrain | 14 days |
Cambodia | 30 days |
Co´te d’Ivoire | 3 months |
Djibouti | 31 days |
Ethiopia | up to 90 days |
Guinea | 90 days |
Guinea-Bissau | 90 days |
India | 60 days |
Kyrgyzstan | 1 month |
Laos | 30 days |
Madagascar | 90 days |
Myanmar | 28 days |
Oman | 30 days |
Pakistan | 30 days |
Rwanda | 30 days |
Sao Tome and Principe | 30 days |
South Sudan | up to 6 months |
Sri Lanka | 30 days |
Suriname | 90 days |
Tajikistan | 45 days |
Turkey | 30 days |
Uganda | 90 days |
Ukraine | up to 30 days |
Visa on Arrival Countries for South African Citizens
Holders of a South African passport can get their visa on arrival when they visit these countries below:
Country | Allowed stay |
Armenia | 120 days |
Bolivia | 90 days |
Cambodia | 30 days |
Cape Verde | 90 days |
Comoros | 45 days |
Ethiopia | up to 90 days |
Ghana | 30 days |
Guinea-Bissau | 90 days |
Iran | 30 days |
Jordan | 30 days |
Kyrgyzstan | 1 month |
Laos | 30 days |
Madagascar | 90 days |
Maldives | 90 days |
Marshall Islands | 90 days |
Mauritania | 30 days |
Nepal | 90 days |
Palau | 30 days |
Rwanda | 30 days |
Samoa | 60 days |
Senegal | 90 days |
Seychelles | 3 months |
Sierra Leone | 1 month |
Somalia | 30 days |
Sri Lanka | 30 days |
Timor-Leste | 30 days |
Tuvalu | 1 month |
Uganda | 90 days |
Where Can Americans Travel Without a Visa?
Here is the list of 142 countries that US citizens can visit without a visa in 2022:
Albania | Germany | Namibia |
American Samoa | Gibraltar | Netherlands |
Andorra | Greece | New Zealand |
Anguilla | Greenland | Nicaragua |
Antigua and Barbuda | Grenada | Northern Mariana Islands |
Argentina | Guam | Norway |
Armenia | Guatemala | Palau |
Aruba | Guernsey | Palestine |
Austria | Guyana | Panama |
Bahamas | Haiti | Peru |
Barbados | Honduras | Phu Quoc |
Belarus | Hong Kong | Pitcairn Islands |
Belgium | Hungary | Poland |
Belize | Iceland | Portugal |
Bermuda | Indonesia | Puerto Rico* |
Bonaire | Ireland | Romania |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Isle of Man | Sabah and Sarawak |
Botswana | Israel | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
British Virgin Islands | Italy | Saint Lucia |
Brunei | Jamaica | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Bulgaria | Georgia | San Marino |
Canada | Kazakhstan | Sao Tome and Principe |
Cayman Islands | Kiribati | Senegal |
Central African Republic | Kish Island | Serbia |
Chile | South Korea | Singapore |
Colombia | Kosovo | Sint Maarten |
Cook Islands | Kyrgyzstan | Slovakia |
Costa Rica | Latvia | Slovenia |
Croatia | Lesotho | South Africa |
Curacao | Lichtenstein | South Ossetia |
Cyprus | Lithuania | Spain |
Czech Republic | Luxembourg | Svalbard |
Denmark | Macau | Swaziland |
Dominica | North Macedonia | Sweden |
Dominican Republic | Malaysia | Switzerland |
Ecuador | Malta | Taiwan |
El Salvador | Marshall Islands | Transnistria |
Equatorial Guinea | Mayotte | Trinidad and Tobago |
Estonia | Mauritius | Tunisia |
Falkland Islands | Mexico | Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus |
Faroe Islands | Micronesia | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Fiji | Moldova | Ukraine |
Finland | Monaco | United Kingdom |
France | Mongolia | Uruguay |
French Guiana | Montenegro | US Virgin islands |
French Polynesia | Montserrat | Vanuatu |
French West Indies | Morocco | Vatican City |
Where Can Australians Travel Without a Visa?
Here are the countries that Australians can visit without a visa:
- Albania – 90 days
- Andorra – 90 days
- Antigua and Barbuda – 1 month
- Argentina – 90 days
- Armenia – 180 days
- Austria – 90 days
- Bahamas – 3 months
- Barbados – 6 months
- Belarus – 30 days
- Belgium – 90 days
- Belize – 30 days
- Bolivia – 90 days
- Bosnia and Herzegovina – 90 days
- Botswana – 90 days
- Brazil – 90 days
- Bulgaria – 90 days
- Canada – 6 months
- Colombia – 180 days
- Costa Rica – 90 days
- Croatia – 90 days
- Cyprus – 90 days
- Czech Republic – 90 days
- Denmark – 90 days
- Dominica – 6 months
- Dominican Republic – 90 days
- Ecuador – 90 days
- El Salvador – 3 months
- Estonia – 90 days
- Eswatini – 30 days
- Fiji – 4 months
- Finland – 90 days
- France – 90 days
- Gambia – 90 days
- Georgia – 1 year
- Germany – 90 days
- Greece – 90 days
- Grenada – 3 months
- Guatemala – 90 days
- Guyana – 3 months
- Haiti – 3 months
- Honduras – 3 months
- Hungary – 90 days
- Iceland – 90 days
- Indonesia – 30 days
- Ireland – 3 months
- Israel – 3 months
- Italy – 90 days
- Jamaica – 180 days
- Japan – 90 days
- Kazakstan – 30 days
- Kiribati – 120 days
- Kosovo – 90 days
- Kyrgyzstan – 60 days
- Latvia – 90 days
- Lesotho – 14 days
- Liechtenstein – 90 days
- Lituania – 90 days
- Luxembourg – 90 days
- Malaysia – 3 months
- Malta – 90 days
- Mauritius – 90 days
- Mexico – 180 days
- Micronesia – 30 days
- Moldova – 90 days
- Monaco – 90 days
- Montenegro – 90 days
- Morocco – 3 months
- Namibia – 3 months
- Netherlands – 90 days
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua – 90 days
- North Macedonia – 90 days
- Norway – 90 days
- Oman – 14 days
- Panama – 180 days
- Peru – 183 days
- Philippines – 30 days
- Poland – 90 days
- Portugal – 90 days
- Qatar – 30 days
- Romania – 90 days
- Saint Kitts and Nevis – 3 months
- Saint Lucia – 6 weeks
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – 1 month
- Samoa – 60 days
- San Marino – 90 days
- Serbia – 90 days
- Singapore – 90 days
- Slovakia – 90 days
- Slovenia – 90 days
- South Africa – 90 days
- South Korea – 90 days
- Spain – 90 days
- Sweden – 90 days
- Switzerland – 90 days
- Thailand – 30 days
- Tunisia – 3 months
- Ukraine – 90 days
- United Kingdom – 6 months
- United States of America – 90 days
- Uruguay – 3 months
- Uzbekistan – 30 days
- Vanuatu – 30 days
- Vatican City – 90 days
- Venezuela – 90 days
The New Zealand passport is the 7th most powerful passport in the world allowing you visa-free access to currently 111 countries. Below are all the countries you can enter visa-free, being a New Zealand Passport Holder.
Where Can New Zealanders Travel Without a Visa?
Here is a list of countries where New Zealand citizens can enter visa-free:
Country | Allowed Stay | Country | Allowed Stay |
Albania | 90 days | Kyrgyzstan | 60 days |
Andorra | 90 days | Latvia | 90 days |
Antigua and Barbuda | 6 months | Lesotho | 14 days |
Argentina | 90 days | Liechtenstein | 90 days |
Armenia | 180 days | Lithuania | 90 days |
Australia* | Indefinitely | Luxembourg | 90 days |
Austria | 90 days | Macau | 90 days |
Bahamas | 3 months | Malaysia | 3 months |
Barbados | 6 months | Malta | 90 days |
Belarus | 30 days | Mauritius | 90 days |
Belgium | 90 days | Mexico | 180 days |
Belize | N/A | Micronesia | 30 days |
Bolivia | 90 days | Moldova | 90 days |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 90 days | Monaco | 90 days |
Botswana | 90 days | Montenegro | 90 days |
Brazil | 90 days | Morocco | 3 months |
Brunei | 30 days | Namibia | 3 months |
Bulgaria | 90 days | Netherlands | 90 days |
Canada | 6 months | Nicaragua | 90 days |
Chile | 90 days | North Macedonia | 90 days |
Colombia | 180 days | Norway | 90 days |
Costa Rica | 90 days | Palestine | 30 days |
Croatia | 90 days | Panama | 180 days |
Cyprus | 90 days | Peru | 183 days |
Czech Republic | 90 days | Philippines | 30 days |
Denmark | 90 days | Poland | 90 days |
Dominica | 6 months | Portugal | 90 days |
Dominican Republic | 90 days | Qatar | 30 days |
Ecuador | 90 days | Romania | 90 days |
El Salvador | 3 months | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 3 months |
Estonia | 90 days | Saint Lucia | 6 weeks |
Eswatini | 30 days | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 1 month |
Fiji | 4 months | Samoa | 60 days |
Finland | 90 days | San Marino | 60 days |
France | 90 days | Serbia | 90 days |
Gambia | 90 days | Singapore | 90 days |
Georgia | 1 year | Slovakia | 90 days |
Germany | 90 days | Slovenia | 90 days |
Greece | 90 days | South Africa | 90 days |
Grenada | 3 months | South Korea | 90 days |
Guatemala | 90 days | Spain | 90 days |
Guyana | 3 months | Sweden | 90 days |
Haiti | 3 months | Switzerland | 90 days |
Honduras | 3 months | Taiwan | 90 days |
Hong Kong | 90 days | Thailand | 30 days |
Hungary | 90 days | Tunisia | 3 months |
Iceland | 90 days | Turkey | 3 months |
Indonesia | 30 days | Ukraine | 90 days |
Ireland | 3 months | United Kingdom and Crown dependencies | 6 months |
Israel | 3 months | United States | 90 days |
Italy | 90 days | Uruguay | 3 months |
Jamaica | 90 days | Uzbekistan | 30 days |
Japan | 90 days | Vanuatu | 30 days |
Kazakhstan | 30 days | Vatican City | 90 days |
Kiribati | 30 days | Venezuela | 90 days |
Kosovo | 90 days |
This has been mentioned above, but we will say it again as it is an important item to remember regarding visa-free. Note that “visa-free” does not mean you may enter any country without having the proper documentation on hand. Your passport needs to be valid for usually up to 6 months after your departure date (this would depend on the country), and you must ensure that you have adequate travel insurance for your own peace of mind.
Hey salaam. I noticed Indonesia on the list but when I called the Consulate in Cape Town they said you have to pay for a visa on arrival. It is confusing as there is conflicting info online. Even I tried contacting the Jhb Consulate via telephone and email but received no response. Do you perhaps know / have been there recently?
We have put this question on Instagram and got a few responses. Please check our current Instagram stories. It seems like you have to pay for a visa on arrival in Indonesia. It also seems like you need to download the Peduli Lindungi app in South Africa before you leave.
A list of things to do and see in a few cities available here